Wildflower Weekend

Wildflower – It’s All Good

This year’s event, like prior years, was a celebration of fitness.   It’s amazing to see thousands of athletes gathered in one area to  participate in such a challenging race.  The transition area is  bigger than a K Mart parking lot and is packed with race gear. In the  campground you can feel the  anticipation building throughout the day  as competitors prepare for their event.

Sometimes, no matter how much preparation we do, mechanical failures  will get in our way.  I experienced a flat as I was leaving T-1.   Jeff Vicaro also had the misfortune of changing a tube and later was  left stranded on the bike course when his tire exploded.  I now  consider myself fortunate, as I was able to finish the bike and run  without further complication.

It was great to see team members Rick Crump and Stephanie Pillard  racing the long course on Saturday.  Rick looked strong at mile 12 of  the run and finished in under five hours!  Great job Rick.

There were lots of Team Polar shirts on the course and I spoke with a  few Bay Area members during the weekend.  Stephanie and I bumped into  each other on Saturday evening at a post-race gathering and she  shared her race day experience.

Deer were visible all over the campground and at one time during the  race decided to cut across the course.  Luckily the runners saw them  coming. The cyclists didn’t see them, but fortunately the deer made  it safely across.  Another sighting worth mentioning (maybe not) was  a parade through the campground of college students in their birthday  suits.  Wearing nothing but what God gave them, a group of about 25  men and women jogged through at sunset.

Vince Mattera
